Individuals have masculine and feminine energies but, in most cases, we choose to embody more of a single energy. In this episode, we will understand the duality of the masculine and feminine energy and how we can work within...
How can you create a business model in the podcasting world where everybody wins? This is a topic that we should pay attention to. Listen to your host Janine Hamner Holman as she talks with Melinda Wittstock about raising...
Listening is a skill that is often underrated. In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it can be difficult to slow down and listen to what someone is saying. The ability to listen deeply and attentively is a rare and valuable...
When you’re busy keeping up with the demands of life, you may forget that taking care of yourself is crucial for long-term success. Join your host Janine Hamner Holman as she talks with Certified High-Performance Coach Eva Medilek about...
Accountability is one of the essential foundations of running a business. Unfortunately, some business leaders still fall short in this area. If you are in a leadership position and are struggling with accountability, this episode is for you! Seasoned...
Listening to understand instead of listening to respond. We were all born unique, and with that comes the challenges of dealing with our differences. With our diverse culture, upbringing, beliefs, and point of views, not to mention the stressors...
Have you ever wondered what your passion is? Have you ever felt that you aren’t good enough at anything to be truly successful? If so, you’re not alone. Frank Ramos, a keynote speaker and Partner at Clarke Silverglate, used...
What makes up the success of any business? What are the strategies they need to execute? Belle Walker and Alex Salinsky discuss the importance of creating growth within your organization. Both of them are working and helping organizations develop...
We often hear of people advocating for diversity and inclusivity on the streets, but this time, we hear it from Tech Advocate, CEO, and Founder of Zenyth, Daryn Harpaz. Daryn talks about how you can make your business digitally inclusive...
How do you incorporate diversity and inclusion in your organization without tokenizing or trivializing it? Join host Janine Hamner Holman for a fascinating and stimulating conversation on diversity with Celia Sandhya Daniels. Celia is a corporate advocate for transgender...